Friday, June 1, 2007

Day 7/30: Wriding Practess

Rode bike again today to gym and for errands. They have Ben's deodorant on sale for $1.99 so I bought 3. I'm sure the woman working there hoped it was for me. You can tell she just doesn't get the bike helmet thing with the way she looks at me. But then, look at her - a face full of acne and access to discount Clearasil!

Why should I take off my helmet if I'm just gonna be in a store for 10 minutes? It's just one more thing to carry. And I hate carrying things. Camels have it good. I wish I had a built-in compartment on my back that I could just pop stuff into.

Put on your helmet, non sequiturs approaching...

I just used the Burt's Bees soap sample and it is delightful (96.8% natural - I like honesty). I make an effort to buy things not tested on animals. Cosmetics have been around forever, why test them on bunnies? I also try to watch the packaging. I don't buy stuff that's in ridiculous or non-recyclable packaging. The worst things I have are: the daily newspaper and dishwashing detergent. And I try not to use my dishwasher often. The newspaper is Ben's doing. That's what you get when you marry a republican. When we were dating he had this joke... he'd throw a gum wrapper on the street and say, "Look! I'm a republican!" Not that I am down on any specific political party. I can't stand politicians in general. I do like what Al Gore is doing in terms of awareness of this brand new "global threat" some people are actually in denial of. Why is it brand new all of a sudden? In 1976 when I was in first grade we celebrated earth day, picked up trash, and were given a general awareness of how to make the world a cleaner, healthier place. I wish I had gotten a degree in environmental engineering like my distant cousin is doing. Then I could make my solar powered lawn mower. I mean, you only mow when it's sunny out.

I don't understand what happens to politicians after they're out of office. Do they just die because they were so old to begin with? If they REALLY believed all the crap they say they do in order to get into office, shouldn't they all STILL be doing something about it?

Back to the soap... this stuff is "garden tomato" scented. And thanks to Dan Quayle, I can no longer spell tomato. Does the singular have an "e" at the end, or no? I used to be an excellent speller, but the motherhood hormones have really done me in.

And speaking of tomatoes... according to
1. someone who engages in promiscuous sexual realtion useually for money
2. someone who prosents themselves as a skank
3. someone who wears revealing clothing
(The proofreaders must've been out to lunch when they published this!)

Isn't there a reference to this in Breakfast at Tiffany's. I think words like this should be revived. Better than "skank". Wouldn't it be nice for children to hear you degrade celebrities in this way: Oh that Britney, she's one sorry tomatoe! Instead of, "What a whore!" Because the next thing you know you're hearing it on the playground... "give me back my care bear you (insert 'whore' or 'tomato')!"... whichever you prefer.

Back to spelling... I was a great speller. Ben thinks he's better, and sometimes he is, but he just doesn't have the vocabulary I have. Heh heh. He is certainly better at saying words backwards (maybe it's the republican in him).