Thursday, November 29, 2007

An excellent cover

I thought of an old vacation.

Today I was reminded of a surprising, excellent cover by Phantom Planet. And it just so happens that this little video of travel in Barcelona uses the song as background music. I haven't thought of that city or this song in some time. Funny how things are paired together some times. Have a listen.

I am losing it. I used to be able to identify a song pretty fast. I could also tell you what other bands the guitarist was in, dumb trivia like that. Obsessed. What do you expect from someone who was a DJ and worked in a record shop. Now I hear this pathetic Cadillac commercial with an OLD Flaming Lips song in it and it takes me 3 months to place it in my head. I'm sure you can relate. :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Random = mediocrity; the moon, bloody stumps, and fun cards

Wow. This is jammed with random junk . Here's a neat Web site to help you track sun/moon rise/set, for photo purposes of course (I will probably start a new project this weekend and you should, too):

I usually try to tie each day to some sort of theme. It gives it meaning. I've done this since I was a kid. Things that are "random" are usually mediocre. This posting has no theme. Here are just some pictures I'm thinking about. They suck. Maybe that's the theme.

She has lost her first tooth. Click on the photo to see the bloody cavern left behind. Remember that taste?

And here's a boring picture only I would bother thinking about. It's low grade, but I like the composition, except for the ugly pool behind the fence. I hate pools, especially ones in yards.

If you want me to stay away from your house, tell me you have a pool.

I liked the "cheese holes" in the moon face if that makes any sense, which, it just might after one has enough Sudafed and has been cooped up for a while. I liked the fences here, that's right. And also the mossy green color the grass takes on when its half dead. That's my favorite color. I'm not kidding.

And here are some babies. I like the bluish green. New sedum plants growing in a pot. Still growing on 11/28. I try to grow plants and they die. I leave them alone and they sprout. Go figure. This is another crappy picture. You can't win.

Fun Card
Here is a fun card I almost bought for a relative, whom I barely know. She's in that early 20s vanity phase that, unfortunately, some women never grow out of.

Cover picture: 2 teenage girls
Girl 1: So where's your birthday party at?
Girl 2: Don't end your question with a preposition.
Open card - inside.
Girl 1: So where's your birthday party at bitch?

Haha! I ordinarily don't like that sort of humor. But it would be great to send that to her.

There's also one I wanted to send to some die hard republican relatives. I can't stand when people say they're a die hard this or that, it just shows they aren't thinking for themselves, but what do you expect with the way the average American is raised? Back to the card. It's one of those George Bush cards.

Laura: So, the polls are rating you low.
George: What about the French and Germans?

Friday, November 23, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Vine Series

Here I tried different depths of field and looked for color contrast. Whether you're 13 or 37, some things never change - with photography it's still true that if you pick a theme, study it, pick a few nuances within the theme, and then study that - you learn. On a gray day with a creepy sun. There's a nice rusty old fence behind the orchard that has lots of vines winding around it.

Monday, November 19, 2007


I'm into shooting plants these days. I love the field behind the old Quig's Orchard.

I bet a coyote grabbed this goose. The trail of feathers stretches 10 feet at least.

The local hospital showcases a series that looks remarkably (or rather unremarkably) like this.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

99% of blogs go unread

I hate hormone fluctuations. I am crabby and blue.

I had a great laugh this morning though. She made this just for me. It's called "Sheep sweating and panting in the hot, hot sun".

Friday, November 2, 2007

Journey of a Slug

Where are the Halloween pictures? First you must humor me... these were some of the 67 shots I took one Saturday morning mid-October.