Some things make the head spin. For me, it's heavy patterns and contrasting colors. How 'bout you? Here are some pretty abstract mistake shots since I can't seem to take any real ones this week. It's nice to call them abstracts, don't you think? Argh. My eyes are bleeding.
Didier Farm wagons
Pretty colors
I used a 28mm lens on loan from dad - good in low light, but not that great, right? I'm glad I didn't waste my money on this thing. I tend to forget about the focal length conversion. So, what normally would be a nice wide angle lens for a 35mm camera won't be that for me. Why was I thinking wide angle for this anyhow? I just like the perspective. Some day I'll be full frame! We were in Best Buy this weekend and I picked up the 5D. Lovely, but it seems huge now that I'm finally used to the wee Rebel. I still love my female friendly camera. I kinda wish I'd gotten the black body, but for $40 less I'm happy with what I have. I'm not ready for that investment just yet. Maybe at age 40? I guess I'll need a job. ;)