I finally finished it! (I have one tiny piece left to do, but that'll come after dishwasher installation next week.) I had to go to the store a few times for different nails until I found ones that worked, but overall it went well. Need nails? Need a little scrap of oak veneer? Call me.
Here's how I did it. Measure, remeasure. Score veneer on front and back with razor knife. Crack it. Check edge for smoothness. Sand down a bit. Measure where cabinet edges will poke through. Mark veneer. Cut notches. Dampen veneer backside. Apply Gorilla Glue. Drill pilot holes. Hammer in gigantic Ringshank Underlayment 1 1/4" nails. This is the only stuff that would hold it to the "hard board" junk beneath it.
My cabinet restoration is done. My part of the kitchen rehab is pretty much done. Now, we call in the professionals for the dishwasher and counter/sink.