Thursday, July 19, 2007

Booby traps and other devices

Lately my little girl has been asking a lot about trapping things. No idea why but I hope she's not going to try anything with me! This is her spider trap... the idea being that the spider will see how enticing the little white ball is to the Hungry Hungry Hippos, go for it himself, and get trapped under the patio table. The kleenex is there for easy spider smashing/pickup.

More questions she had were:
1. How do we trap a Timber Wolf?
2. If I trapped a cobra last night in my room what could we do with it today?
3. How could I build a sand trap for those boys at the spray park who keep taking my shovel without asking me - how do I make quicksand? (Apparently it still holds true that the quiet ones will get ya. Kindergarten here we come.)